Constitution, Bylaws, Standing Rules
of the
Descendants of the Jersey Settlers,
Adams County, Mississippi







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Kingston Church

Beginning of 
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Article I


       The name of the organization shall be DESCENDANTS OF THE JERSEY SETTLERS OF ADAMS COUNTY MISSISSIPPI, familiarly referred to as the Jersey Settlers.

Article II


       The objects of the Jersey Settlers shall be:

       1.   To pay homage and respect to and perpetuate the memory of our gallant and brave ancestors, who were pioneers of this North American settlement;

       2.  To maintain the burying grounds of the original settlers in the vicinity of Kingston Church, Adams County, Mississippi;

       3.  To encourage historical and genealogical research in relation to the Jersey Settlers; and

       4.  To meet annually to renew the ties of known descendants, to welcome newly discovered descendants, and to teach the younger descendants of their noble heritage.

Article III


       All those who desire to achieve the objects of the organization and are descendants and friends of the Jersey Settlers are eligible for membership in the organization.

Article IV


       Section 1.  The officers of the Jersey Settlers shall be a President, an Executive Vice President, a Vice President-Program, a Vice President-social, a Vice President-Genealogy, a Vice President-Publicity, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and a Chaplain.  Current officers constitute the Executive Committee for the organization (see Article IX, Section 1).  Except for President and Executive Vice President, offices may occasionally be filled by two members.

       Section 2.  For the election of officers, see Article XI.

       Section 3.  The term of office shall be two (2) years for each officer.

       Section 4.  The President shall preside at all Executive Board Meetings, General Assemblies, and Executive Committee meetings and shall have authority to:

       a.  Call special meetings;
       b.  Appoint committees for specified purposes;
       c.  Direct the work of the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees;
       d.  Approve expenditures, up to the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules, for the benefit of the organization during each one (1) year interval of office;
       e.  Approve bills for payment by the Treasurer, and, in the Treasurer's absence, collect and deposit all monies in the appropriate fund and pay all bills; and

       f.  Certify all official acts of the Jersey Settlers.  (Note: This duty is shared with the Recording Secretary, Section 10.c).

       Section 5.  The Executive Vice President shall:

       a.  Assist the President in the performance of duties of that office;
       b.  Preside at meetings in the absence of the President; and
       c.  In the event the President is unable to continue performing the duties of that office, shall succeed to the office of President until the next Annual Reunion.

       Section 6.  The duties of the Vice President-Program are prescribed in the Standing Rules.

       Section 7.  The duties of the Vice President-Social are prescribed in the Standing Rules.   Social fund monies designated by the Executive Board for social activities shall remain in the custody of the Vice President/Social or a Chairman appointed by the President for a specific social event and funds remaining after expenses for said event have been met shall be returned to the Treasurer for deposit in the General Fund.

       Section 8.  The duties of the Vice President-Genealogy are prescribed in the Standing Rules.

       Section 9.  The duties of the Vice President-Publicity are prescribed in the Standing Rules.

       Section 10.  The Recording Secretary shall:

       a.  Record and preserve the Minutes of all meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Executive Board, and the Board of Trustees;
       b.  Together with the President, certify all official acts of the Jersey Settlers (see Section 4.f, above); and
       c.  Perform such other duties as are prescribed in the Standing Rules.

       Section 11.  The Treasurer shall:

       a.  Collect and deposit all monies of the organization in such banks as the President shall direct;
       b.  Pay all bills approved by the President;
       c.  Make an annual report of the finances to the members at each Annual Reunion and transmit a copy to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS);
       d.  Receive and acknowledge memorial contributions;
       e.  Prepare and file all report requirements of the IRS, including changes in officers or the Constitution and Bylaws; and
       f.  Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the Standing Rules.

       Section 12.  The duties of the Chaplain are prescribed in the Standing Rules.

Article V


       Section 1.  The Annual Reunion of the Jersey Settlers shall convene at Kingston United Methodist Church in Kingston, Adams County, Mississippi, at 10:00 a.m. on the fourth (4th) Sunday of April in each year (see subsection b, below) unless that Sunday is Easter Sunday, in which event the Annual Reunion shall be held on such other Sunday in April or May as may be designated by the President.  Social events scheduled in conjunction with the reunion, including the preceding Friday and Saturday, shall be held as prescribed in the Standing Rules, appended hereto.  Other events held in conjunction with the Annual Reunion shall be as follows:
       A. Executive Board Meetings which shall convene at such time and location in Natchez, Mississippi, or vicinity, as determined by the President (see Article VI for duties of the Executive Board); and
       b. The General Assembly of the Jersey Settlers (see Article VII) which shall convene at 10:00 a.m. Sunday in the Kingston United Methodist Church in Kingston, Adams County, Mississippi; or, in the event such time and place should be found impracticable, at such time and place as the President (or the Executive Vice President in the event of the absence of the President) shall specify.

       Section 2.  The President or his/her appointee shall mail notice of the Annual Reunion to all members of the Jersey Settlers whose names and addresses are contained in the roll of members maintained by the Vice President-Publicity (see Standing Rules, Article II.E.  Such notice shall be mailed three (3) to six (6) weeks prior to the Annual Reunion in order to allow time for members to make arrangements to attend.

Article VI

The Executive Board

       The Executive Board shall consist of the Executive Committee (See Article IX, Section 1), the Trustees (see Article VIII), and such other invited guests as the President shall deem appropriate for conducting the business at hand.   A quorum for the Executive Board Meeting shall consist of the President (or the Executive Vice President in the absence of the President) and fifty percent (50%) of the other officers and Trustees.  Votes of invited guests shall not be counted in determining business matters of the organization.  The duties of the Executive Board are as follows:
       a.  To set the agenda for the meeting of the General Assembly (see Article VII);
       b.  To review and accept the Minutes of the meetings from the previous Annual Reunion;
       c.  To discuss ways and means for the enhancement of the Jersey Settlers organization; and
       d.  To conduct such other business as may properly be brought before the Board.

Article VII

The General Assembly

       Section 1.  The General Assembly of the organization shall meet in accordance with Article V, Section 1.b.  A quorum for the General Assembly shall consist of the President (or the Executive Vice President (in the absence of the President), two other officers, and at least twenty-five (25) members.

       Section 2.  The duties of the General Assembly are as follows:
                     a.  To engage in programs, ceremonies and memorials in keeping with the objects of the organization set forth in Article II;
                     b.  To elect the Officers, Trustees, and the Nominating Committee (see Section 5, below) of the organization (see Article XI);
                     c.  To receive, consider and approve, as appropriate, the Minutes of the General Assembly of the prior year, and the reports of the Officers and Committees of the organization; and
                     d.  To conduct such other business as may properly be brought before the Assembly, including those matters to be voted upon in accordance with Article X, Section 3.

       Section 3.  All votes of the General Assembly, except for electing Officers and Trustees, shall be by voice vote unless the members present decide otherwise (see Article XI for election of Officers and Trustees).

       Section 4.  All questions shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present and participating in the General Assembly.

       Section 5.  Every odd-numbered year, the General Assembly shall elect a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members for the purpose of proposing to the General Assembly qualified nominees for election as Officers and Trustees.  One (1) member of the Nominating Committee shall be elected by the Committee to serve as its Chairman.  (See Article XI, Sections 1 and 2, for the duties of the Nominating Committee).

       Section 6.  Special General Assemblies may be called by consensus among the President, Executive Vice President, and Recording Secretary upon fifteen (15) days written notice of the members.

Article VIII

The Board of Trustees

       Section 1.  The Board of Trustees shall consist of three (3) members elected for staggered three-year terms, such that only one member of the Board of Trustees shall be elected each year.  (See Article XI for the election of Trustees.)

       Section 2.  Title to the Kingston Cemetery, Adams County, Mississippi, being vested in the name of the Board of Trustees, insofar as possible, title to other cemeteries maintained by the organization shall likewise be vested in the Board of Trustees.

       Section 3.  The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for:  Cemetery Rules 
                     a.  Upkeep, maintenance and repair of such cemeteries as approved by vote of the General Assembly;
                     b.   Enforcement of the RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE KINGSTON CEMETERY, as adopted by the General    Assembly on April 23, 1995, and amended from time to time thereafter;
                     c.  Acquiring additional land for use as cemeteries, as approved by vote of the General Assembly;
                     d. The use of said acquired lands, including selling burial plots and authorizing burials therein; and
                     e. Keeping complete records of all burials in cemeteries maintained by the organization.

       Section 4.  All funds received by the Board of Trustees in carrying out their duties shall be turned over to the Treasurer for deposit in the Cemetery Fund (see Article X).

       Section 5.  The Board of Trustees may expend from the Cemetery Fund, up to the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules, monies for repairs to the cemeteries without prior approval of the Executive Committee, such funds to be expended by checks signed by the Treasurer.  Expenditures of funds for repairs to the cemeteries in excess of the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules shall be subject to prior approval by the Executive Committee.

Article IX


       Section 1.  The officers shall constitute the Executive Committee which shall have charge of the general operation of the Jersey Settlers in the interval between Annual Reunions or Special General Assemblies.

       Section 2.  The Vice Presidents of Program, Social, Genealogy, and Publicity may form Committees to assist in the work of their respective offices.

       Section 3.  All other committees, except the Nominating Committee (see Article VII, Section 5), shall be appointed by the President.

Article X


       Section 1.  All monies of the organization shall remain in the custody of the Treasurer and shall be deposited in one of three funds: the General Fund, the Cemetery Fund or the Books Fund.  Depository accounts for the funds shall be maintained in one or more depository institutions insured by the F.D.I.C. as selected by the President and approved in Executive Committee.  Signatories to the accounts shall be the Treasurer and the President.  Only the signature of the Treasurer, or the President in the event of the absence of the Treasurer, shall be required for withdrawals.

       Section 2.  All funds contributed to the organization, unless specified by the donor, shall be deposited in the General Fund.  Such funds may be used for any purpose approved by the Executive Committee or the General Assembly.  The President may expend monies, up to the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules, annually for the benefit of the organization without prior approval of the Executive Committee or General Assembly (see Article IV, Section 4).

       Section 3.  Income from the sale of cemetery lots shall be deposited in the Cemetery Fund.  Such funds shall be used solely for maintenance and repair of cemeteries as approved by the Executive Committee or General Assembly.  The Board of Trustees is authorized to expend monies, up to the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules, for repairs to the cemeteries without prior approval of the Executive Committee (see Article VIII, Section 5).

       Section 4.  Monies received from the sale of organization books and related publications shall be deposited and maintained in the Books Fund as prescribed in Section 1 above and shall be devoted to providing for the production and sale of books and publications of the organization and related activities.  The President may expend monies, up to the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules, annually for these purposes, without prior approval of the Executive Committee or General Assembly.  Expenditures of such monies, in excess of the limit prescribed in the Standing Rules, from the Books Fund shall be as authorized by the Executive Committee of General Assembly.

       Section 5.  All funds, in any account, in excess of Two Hundred fifty Dollars ($250.00) shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts.

       Section 6.  Funds contributed at the Annual Reunion for the benefit of the Kingston United Methodist Church Building Fund shall be deposited in the General Fund and paid to the Kingston United Methodist Church by check signed by the Treasurer.

       Section 7.  Upon dissolution of the organization, its assets shall be distributed for one or more purposes exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, or to the Federal Government, or to a State or local government for a public purpose, as determined by vote of the membership of the organization, or be distributed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be used in such manner as in the judgment of the court will best accomplish the general purposes for which the organization was constituted.

Article XI

Election of Officers

       Section 1.  In each odd-numbered year, the members shall elect a Nominating Committee of three (3) members, which shall elect its Chairman in accordance with Article VII, Section 5.  The Nominating Committee shall select nominees as outlined in Article VII, Section 5.  The nominees shall be listed in the notice of the Annual Reunion given to all members.

       Section 2.  In the first year following its election, the Nominating Committee will present nominees for all elected offices and for one Cemetery Trustee position.  In its second year, the Nominating Committee will present a nominee for the Cemetery Trustee position reaching its year of rotation.  With this second year report made, the Committee�s work is completed and a new Nominating Committee is elected at this meeting.

       Section 3.  At the General Assembly of each Annual Reunion, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall place in nomination the names of those selected by the committee; other nominations may be made by members from the floor of the General Assembly.

       Section 4.  Election of officers shall be by secret ballot within the General Assembly, except when there is only one nominee for an office, in which case that person shall be declared elected upon the closing of nominations.  If there are two or more nominees for an office, the nominee securing the majority of the votes cast for each office shall be elected to the office for which nominated.

       Section 5.  A vacancy in any office may be filled by the President for the unexpired portion of the term.

Article XII


       Section 1.  This Constitution and Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed by the General Assembly at any Annual Reunion of the Jersey Settlers, at which a quorum is present, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that written notice of the proposed alteration, amendment, or repeal was given to all members in the notice of the Annual Reunion.  Alterations, amendments, or repeal shall become effective upon adjournment of the General Assembly of the Annual Reunion at which they are adopted.

       Section 2.  The Secretary, or a committee duly appointed by the Executive Committee, is authorized to correct article and section designations, punctuation and cross-references within this Constitution and Bylaws, and to make such other technical and conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the organization.

       Section 3.  Amendments to the Standing Rules may be proposed by the Executive Board for presentation to the General Assembly.  Upon approval of a majority of the General Assembly, such amendments will take effect immediately.

       Section 4.  Amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the Kingston Cemetery may be proposed by the Executive Board for presentation to the General Assembly.  Upon approval of a majority of the General Assembly, such amendments will take effect immediately.

Constitution and Bylaws adopted April 26, 1987.
Article VIII, Sec. 6 added April 24, 1988.
General Revision, General Assembly, April 29, 1997.
Article IV, Sec. 4(e), amended April 28, 2002.
Article V, Sec. 4 and Sec. 5 amended April 22, 2007.
Article VIII, Sec. 1 amended and new Sec. 4 inserted.  Sections renumbered, April 27, 2008.
Article IV, Sec. 7 amended, April 27, 2008.
Article IV, Sec. 4c amended, April 26, 2009.
Article IV, Sec. 11, deleted and sections renumbered, April 26, 2009.
Article IV, Sec. 13d, amended, April 26, 2009.
Article V, Chapeau, amended, April 26, 2009.
Article V, Sec. 1b, c, and d, amended, April 26, 2009.
Article V, Sec. 8, amended, April 26, 2009.
Article VI, Sec. 5, amended, April 26, 2009.
Article IX, Sec. 1, amended, April 29, 2009.
General Revision, General Assembly, April 25, 2010.
Standing Rules adopted, General Assembly, April 25, 2010
Article XII, Sec. 4 added, May 1, 2011
Standing Rules, Article II, Sec. D and Sec. F.4, amended, May 1, 2011

Standing Rules

Article I.  Reunion Events

       The following events normally shall be scheduled in conjunction with the Reunion, including the preceding Friday and Saturday:
       A.  A Friday Fest celebration, as organized by the Friday Fest appointees of the President;
       B.  A Genealogical Workshop which shall be held at such time and location in Natchez, Mississippi, or vicinity, as determined by the Vice President-Genealogy;
       C.  A Saturday Evening Social which shall occur at such time and location in Natchez, Mississippi, or vicinity, as determined by the Vice President-Social, who shall make all appropriate arrangements;
       D.  Lunch on the church grounds of the Kingston United Methodist Church in Kingston, Adams County, Mississippi, immediately following the meeting of the General Assembly; and
       E.  Such other activities and programs as may be determined by the Executive Committee and/or General Assembly.

Article II.  Duties of Officers

       A.  The Vice President-Program shall arrange a program for the General Assembly of each Annual Reunion.
       B.  The Vice President-Social shall make arrangements for the Saturday Evening Social (see Standing Rules Article I.C, above).
       C.  The Vice President-Genealogy shall:
             1.  Maintain up-to-date genealogical information on the families of the Jersey Settlers; and
             2.  Conduct a Genealogical Workshop for the Annual Reunion (see Standing Rules Article I.B, above).
       D.  The Recording Secretary shall record the attendees by name at the Annual Reunion.
       E.  The Vice President-Publicity shall arrange for publicity with respect to the activities of the Jersey Settlers, and maintain an         up-to-date roll of the members with addresses.
       F.  The Chaplain shall:
             1.  Open and close meetings with prayer;
             2.  Keep records of the deaths of members; and
             3.  Conduct a brief memorial service at the Annual Reunion; and
             4.  Upon receiving information regarding deaths of members, extend sympathy to families of the deceased.

Article III.  Funds

       A.      The President may expend up to Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) annually for the benefit of the organization without prior approval of the Executive Committee or General Assembly (see Article IV, Section 4, and Article X, Section 2).
       B.  The Board of Trustees may expend up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) from the Cemetery Fund for repairs to the cemeteries without prior approval of the Executive Committee, such funds to be expended by checks signed by the Treasurer (see Article VIII, Section 5, and Article X, Section 3).
       C.  The President may expend up to Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) annually from the Books Fund, for the purposes prescribed in Article X, Section 4, without prior approval of the Executive Committee or General Assembly.  Expenditures of such monies in excess of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) from the Books fund shall be as authorized by the Executive Committee or General Assembly (see Article X, Section 4).